Success Stories - Vannara’s story

( The account is written in Vannara’s own words)

My mum and brothers first came to UNACAS in about 2003. At the time we had nothing and were very poor.  But when we came here things got much better and we received many blessings and had many enjoyable times. I remember playing around UNACAS with my new friends, eating at the dinner table, and sleeping nights together with the other boys.  We were so blessed to come to know God. As I grew up, my life changed at each of the milestones in my life. We had food to eat, clothes to wear, and were able to go to school like other people.  I was able to finish school and now I'm a civil engineering student in my third year at Norton University.

I'm especially thankful to UNACAS for welcoming me and my family, and also to my Australian sponsor who has supported me to go to university. I will never ever forget about you.  UNACAS is a wonderful place and is a home for otherwise destitute families. In the future my wish is for UNACAS to be expanded so that other children can receive the best of educations and be blessed by God. We love UNACAS.......

Vannara’s family years ago

Vannara’s family years ago

Editorial comment 

Vannara’s family experienced very difficult times when he was young.  Sadly, his parents were divorced and his mother was left to care for 3 young boys, which she found extremely difficult. His mum brought the three boys to UNACAS where she took a job to assist with the care of around 100 kids and helped with the day to day running of the centre.

After passing grade 12 at High School, thanks to an Australian sponsor through Australian Collaboration Cambodia, Vannara was given the opportunity to study Civil Engineering at Norton University.  His older brother, who was also sponsored to attend university, completed a degree in English for Teaching and is now teaching with an NGO called Metta, working to help street kids start an education instead of begging on the street. His other brother also works with Metta helping to train street kids in running a coffee shop. 

 Vannara’s Mother is still working with Unacas as an administrator, helping disadvantaged kids.

Vannara’s family now (2020).

Vannara’s family now (2020).